Sunday, December 11, 2011

Blog Assignment #6: How Google Manages Crises

Yup, the last post. A little late, but I've been busy with finals recently AND it was a little difficult digging up information about crisis management. After Google-searching (ironic) and searching their website for answers, I have come to this realization: Google is a tool that other companies use towards crisis management. A most recent effort by Google itself in handling a public/international crisis was the Japan Earthquake/Tsunami early this year. Below is a snapshot of the now out-of-date website.

Screenshot taken on my *ahem* Google Chrome browser...

This website offered a widget for donating to the Red Cross' fund for aiding Japan. The site, obviously powered by Google, also posted accurate updates on the situation with the Power Plants and the rescue efforts during the aftermath. There were Japanese transit statuses available, message boards for contacting loved ones, and a Google Map widget specified for Japan.

Google Earth and Google Maps aid other companies in their crisis management efforts. This makes sense as Google is a powerful tool for gaining information and tracking events. The above information was the closest I could find to a structure that Google has to implement crisis management.

Just because this is my last academic post for now, does NOT mean this is the end of my posting on this blog; expect commentary and opinions on a WIDE range of topics, including sports, media, music, and life in general!

1 comment:

  1. Good call, I think I'm gonna keep swag on blast rolling as a personal site. I like the name and I already have a legion (12) of followers lol live from the 203 stay tuned...
